Create FAFSA Account

Federal Student Aid is the largest provider of financial aid for college in the U.S. If you need financial aid, electronically signing your FAFSA® form, or accessing other benefits on, you’ll have to start by creating your FAFSA Account, FSA ID.

Create FAFSA Account

With FAFSA Account created, you will have your account username and password which you will use to access the Federal Student Aid’s platform.

To Create FAFSA Account, get your Social Security number, mobile phone, and personal email address. These will be needed in the creation process.

How to Create FAFSA Account

Go to and select “create account”. Once there, hit the “get started” button.

If you’re considered a dependent student, remember you’ll need to create your own separate FSA ID using your personal information.

Create Your Username and Password

Enter your chosen username, email address, and create your password. Avoid using your school-based email and refrain from including personal information in your password.

Provide Contact Information

Next, input your permanent address and mobile phone number. Opting to use your mobile phone for account access is highly recommended for added security.

Set Preferences

Choose your communication preferences, opting for email delivery of required communications. You’ll also have the chance to receive informational communications about grants, loan forgiveness, and repayment plans.

Select Challenge Questions

Select four challenge questions and provide answers. These will be crucial if you need to access your account in the future.

Review your information

Review your information for accuracy. If needed, make corrections by selecting the edit button. Once confirmed, agree to the terms and conditions.

Add Two-Step Verification

For added security, set up two-step verification. Choose between email, text message, or an authenticator app.

Verify your phone number

Verify your phone number and email address by entering the secure codes sent to you.

Consider setting up an authenticator app for enhanced security. Follow the prompts to complete the setup process.

Backup your code

In case you can’t use other verification methods, keep your backup code in a safe place. This code is generated automatically during setup.

Confirm your account

Upon successful creation, you’ll receive a confirmation email. Note down your username and password for future reference.

While it may take one to three days for your information to be verified, you can start using your FSA ID immediately.

This allows you to complete and sign your FAFSA form, access your dashboard, and explore additional features on

If you are still have challenges with creating the FAFSA account, below are resources that will guide you

FAFSA account creating Not working

Create FAFSA Parent account

Create FAFSA account Without SSN

FAFSA account creating Stuck on step 3