FAFSA Processing Time

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is an important step for American students who are seeking financial assistance for college. 

Understanding the FAFSA processing time is essential to ensure you don’t miss important deadlines and receive your financial aid award on time. 

What is FAFSA?

The FAFSA is a form submitted annually to the U.S. Department of Education.

It collects financial information about you and your family to determine your Expected Family Contribution (EFC).

The EFC acts as a baseline for how much your family is expected to contribute towards your education.

Colleges use this number, along with other factors, to create your financial aid award letter, outlining the types and amounts of aid you qualify for.

How Long is the FAFSA Processing Time?

The FAFSA processing time generally falls within a range of 3 days to 3 weeks.

This timeframe can vary depending on how you submit your application:

  1. Electronically with an FSA ID: This is the preferred method as it allows for faster processing. You can typically expect your FAFSA to be processed within 3-5 business days. You’ll receive a notification via email once processing is complete.
  2. Paper application: Processing paper applications takes longer due to manual verification. You can expect a turnaround time of 7-10 business days.

Also, if your application contains errors or missing information, it will be flagged for correction. This can cause further delay of the FAFSA processing time.

In some cases, the Department of Education may select your FAFSA for verification.

This involves additional documentation to confirm your financial information, which can extend your FAFSA processing time by several weeks.

What Do I Do if My FAFSA is Delayed?

While most FAFSAs process within the specified timeframe, occasional delays can occur.

Here’s what to do if you experience a delay:

  1. Check Your Status Online: The Federal Student Aid website (https://studentaid.gov/) allows you to track your FAFSA status using your FSA ID. This will display any outstanding issues or delays.
  2. Contact the Federal Student Aid Help Center: If your status doesn’t provide clear answers, contact the Federal Student Aid Help Center at 1-800-433-3243. They can investigate the reason for the delay and offer further guidance.
  3. Contact Your School’s Financial Aid Office: Schools often have deadlines for accepting financial aid applications. If your FAFSA is delayed, communicate with your school’s financial aid office to explain the situation and discuss potential options. They may be able to grant you an extension.