Processing Duration of FAFSA

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is very important if you’re working towards securing financial aid for college. 

Understanding the processing duration of FAFSA is essential to ensure a smooth application process. 

How Long Does Processing Duration of FAFSA take Online?

The processing speed of your FAFSA application significantly depends on the submission method. 

Thankfully, the online application boasts the fastest processing times. Here’s what to expect:

  1. 3-5 business days: This is the standard processing timeframe for a complete and accurate online FAFSA application submitted electronically using a valid FSA ID (Federal Student Aid identification). The FSA ID serves as your electronic signature, streamlining the verification process.
  2. Up to 2 weeks: If you submit your FAFSA online but utilize a printed signature page mailed separately, expect a longer processing time of up to two weeks. This additional delay occurs because the Department of Education must wait to receive the physical signature before finalizing the application.

Why is the processing duration of FAFSA Taking So Long?

While online submissions are generally swift, there can be instances where your FAFSA application takes longer than expected.

Here are some reasons for potential delays:

  1. Incomplete or inaccurate information: The Department of Education performs a verification process to ensure the accuracy of the data provided in your FAFSA. Any inconsistencies or missing information can trigger a delay while they attempt to confirm details with you or the IRS.
  2. Selected for verification: A small percentage of FAFSA applications are randomly selected for a more thorough verification process. This may involve requesting additional documentation, such as tax transcripts, which can extend the processing time.
  3. Paper FAFSA submission: If you choose to submit a paper FAFSA application, processing times are significantly slower. It typically takes 3 weeks for the Department of Education to receive and process a paper application.

What to do if the processing duration of FAFSA delays

If your FAFSA application appears stuck in processing for an extended period, you can take the following steps:

  1. Contact the Federal Student Aid customer service: The Federal Student Aid Information Center can be reached at 1-800-433-3243. They can provide insights into the status of your application and any potential delays.
  2. Check for outstanding requirements: Review your online FAFSA account for any messages or requests for additional information. Responding promptly to these requests can help move your application forward.