Who Qualifies For NSFAS Transport Allowance?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) offers a transport allowance to eligible students to assist with the costs of commuting to and from their place of study.

This allowance is designed to support students who cannot reside on campus and need to rely on public transport or private means to attend their TVET college.

Who is Eligible for NSFAS Transport Allowance?

There are many factors determine your eligibility for the NSFAS transport allowance:

  1. Citizenship: You must be a South African citizen to qualify for NSFAS funding, including the transport allowance.
  2. Household Income: Your family’s combined annual income must fall below the NSFAS income threshold. The specific threshold varies, but it’s generally lower than the threshold for students qualifying for full funding.
  3. Course of Study: You must be enrolled in a full-time and approved course at a public TVET college.
  4. Accommodation: This is a crucial factor. To qualify for the transport allowance, you must be living with your parents, legal guardian, or other family member. Alternatively, you can be residing in non-accredited accommodation. If you are eligible for on-campus accommodation, you will not qualify for the transport allowance.

Do I Qualify if I Live with a Relative?

Many students reside with relatives outside of their parental home.

In this case, you may qualify for the NSFAS transport allowance.

The key is that the relative must not be providing you with accommodation in exchange for rent or any other form of payment.

The relationship should be based on family ties, not financial arrangements.

How Far Must I Live from Campus to Qualify?

There is no specific distance requirement to qualify for the NSFAS transport allowance.

As long as you meet the other eligibility criteria and your place of residence is not within walking distance of the TVET college, you can apply.

However, you should provide accurate information about your travel distance when applying for the allowance.

Can I Qualify for NSFAS Transport Allowance if I Own a Car?

Owning a car does not automatically disqualify you from receiving the NSFAS transport allowance.

However, you might need to provide proof of expenses related to the vehicle, such as petrol costs and maintenance, to support your claim.

The final decision rests with NSFAS based on the information you provide.

What Documents Do I Need to Apply for NSFAS Transport Allowance?

The specific documents required may vary, but generally, you will need:

  1. A completed NSFAS application form
  2. Proof of identity (ID document or passport)
  3. Proof of registration at a TVET college
  4. Income statements for all household members
  5. Proof of residence (e.g. utility bills, lease agreement)
  6. Supporting documents related to your transport costs (if applicable)

It’s essential to gather all the necessary documents to increase your chances of a successful application.

How Can I Apply for the NSFAS Transport Allowance?

The application process for the NSFAS transport allowance is typically integrated into the overall NSFAS application.

You would usually apply through the NSFAS online portal.

Once you have been approved for NSFAS funding, the transport allowance will be considered based on the information you provided.